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Frequently asked questions

  • How much commission do I receive from sign ups . . .
    As a new Affiliate you will earn a 15% commission on the base price that each of your customers pay (direct ad spends are not commissionable). You can also qualify for an additional 2% commission once your commissionable monthly volume reaches $7,000/month. Refer to Commissions & Bonuses table under the "Get Paid" tab.
  • How do I receive commissions . . .
    Monthly commissions will be automatically deposited into your bank account. Soon after registering as an Affiliate you will receive an email from Social5 prompting you to submit a direct deposit form and W9 for tax purposes.
  • Can I enroll Affiliates myself . . .
    Yes, you can enroll as many Affiliates as you’d like. You can earn a 3% - 5% commission from the customers that your personal affiliates bring in and can also qualify for a 3% commission for any customer sales from the Affiliates that your personal Affiliates bring in. Refer to our compensation plan document for more details.
  • Are customers locked into a long term contract . . .
    One year commitment. Social and mobile marketing takes a little bit of time to grow and generate results. If a customer isn't satisfied after one year they can opt out of renewing their service at no cost.
  • What training will I receive . . .
    Social5 offers live training 2x each month. Training includes product education, lead generation, presentation tips, & more. Social5 also offers “on demand” training. Need help with a specific topic, just let us know and we will team you up with the appropriate subject matte expert.
  • Do I get any marketing materials . . .
    Yes, as a Social5 Affiliate, you will have access to our resource portal that includes Sales Materials, sales presentations, package rate cards, customer testimonials, and more! As a Social5 Affiliate you also have the option to purchase our support package for $29/month. Our support package includes a robust website that is personalized with your profile image and contact info. Also included is an auto-intro greeting email, monthly email blast to your database, 2 monthly blog posts, a Social5 University subscription, & content preview app.
  • Can I white label your services . . .
    We encourage our Affiliates to leverage the Social5 brand. However, white labeling certain aspects of our offering may be an option for additional fees. Check with your enroller to learn more.
  • What happens once I have a sign up . . .
    Once a sale is made our Affiliates schedule their customer’s on boarding call with the Social5 team of experts. We use an online automated calendar to schedule on boarding calls where our Affiliates are asked to provide contact information, website, and the selected package to our on boarding team. You and your customer will receive an email that contains details for joining the on boarding call. Once your customer’s on boarding call starts, leave it to the Social5 team of experts to do the rest.
  • Are there any quotas to remain an Affiliate . . .
    No. Make as many, or as few, sales as you’d like.
  • Are there any renewal fees . . .
    No - the only optional fees that you may pay are for our $29/month support package that can be cancelled at any time (30 day cancellation policy).
  • How are my commissions tracked . . .
    Each month you will receive a detailed commission report prior to any commissions being paid. In the unlikely event that there is a discrepancy, just let us know so that we can make the correction before commissions are paid.
  • What types of customers are ideal . . .
    Social5 has thousands of customers from hundreds of different industries. Any “healthy” business or organization is a great potential customer.
  • What are the next steps . . .
    Just click the SIGN UP tab on the menu bar of this website! Follow the steps online and you'll be off and running. As soon as you complete the sign up and payment process you'll receive an email that walks you through the next steps - plus your unique url and toolkit will go live and links will be sent to you at that time as well.
  • Will I have fun . . .
    Heck YES!
Getting Here
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